Friday, January 23, 2015

Andy Flemming, Just another WTF moment.

Well we are at a loss. Seems someone is better at keeping an eye on these deranged Anarchist than us. We tip our hat.

A reader stumbled across the following video on a Face Book page set up by Civic Nationalists in response to the Orwellian War on Terror. Apparently there is one thing Andy Flemming and his alias @ndy Slackbastard hate more than the evil fash, its these guys. 

Now this video along with Sherman Burgess claims, rang a bell with us. It also reminded us of the attempted stitch up on Reclaim and Australia First on Andy Flemming's Anarchist Blog Slackbastard. Below is screen shot from his article on January 16 this year.

As we all know Andy Flemming is a pro at making shit stick. But if you watched the video above you will notice how "The Great Aussie Patriot" also claims to have "moles" passing info onto him and the Reclaim Group. If this is true, again we tip our hat.  

Spy versus Spy as it would appear.  Both groups like working with ASIO and the Federal Police to fight their enemy.  One group is pro Islam, destroy the state at any cost, the other not. 

That may come as shock to some of these Civic Patriots/Nationalists but its true. Good old Andy Flemming and his friends have often bragged about handing over so called intel concerning White or Right wing groups in Australia to the same people Reclaim does, Here

On January 10 this year, Andy Flemming's Face Book page Slackbastard, made the following warning to his Anarchists and Antifa friends " Fake Nazi account treat accordingly". So it certainly was with a huge smile on our face when we read the following screenshots today on the Reclaim Newcastle FB page. 

I dont think it could be anymore clearer, do you?

So how is that Multiculturalism working out for you in Australia?

Terrorists plan on beheading Australian just for shits and giggles.

First the suspected terrorist are not white Australians, go figure.
Above Australian.
 Below scum bag
Mohamed “Moey” Elomar, 29 — Fighting with IS in Iraq, just so happens to think he is Australian.

 Easy to spot the difference?

Now over the past 10 years, people such as myself and others connected to this Blog have been questioned time and time again by ASIO and the Federal Police. Claims from Anarchists, Antifa and Anti Racists of the threat to National Security we pose prompted action from the authorities. What threat did we actually pose? Simple we spoke out against mass immigration into this country. We spoke openly about the threat to our nation our culture and our future. We dared to distribute flyers to try and warn our fellow Australians to the unique peril Multiculturalism posses to our way of life. 

Meanwhile Antifa, in particular @ndy Slackbastard and his side kick Cam Smith openly embraced assistance from the Islamic community in not only having White patriots attacked but also gave false and misleading information to ASIO and the Federal Police concerning writers from this blog, members from Storm Front Down Under, Members from Australia First and anyone else out there who spoke about real issues of mass third world immigration into the west. 

Lets be perfectly clear here. These people have successfully played both sides. They have used their friends in the CFMEU, Australian Labour Party, Australian Greens and the now defunct Australian Democrats. Used them to pressure authorities to break up any resistance to their all out plan to change the face of the West forever.  While using the state to silence their opposition, they have gone about radicalizing our youth in preparation for god only knows what. While ASIO runs around collecting data on White Nationalists, data sourced from Antifa and other assorted Anarchists. The real threat has been allowed to grow and now become a very real problem. 

Now its only early times for this story. We cant say for sure what is true and whats State sponsored media hype. Media hype that is designed to have this tiny nation commit to more meaningless wars for Israel and its Proxy State the United States.   More wars that further infuriate even more Muslims. Not just ones that are now living here. "Islam is the dominant religion in Indonesia, which also has a larger Muslim population than any other country in the world, with approximately 202.9 million identified as Muslim (88.2% of Indonesia's total population of 237 million). Shit hey, anyone else see a problem here? 

Australian terror raids: AFP, ASIO move on suspected terrorists


"A PUBLIC execution of a random Australian was designed to shock the community, a Sydney court has heard.

Details of the alleged plot have emerged as the first man charged after this morning’s terror raids has appeared in Sydney Local Court on one charge to act in preparation/planning for terrorist attack.
Lawyers for Omarjan Azari, 22, said he would make no application for bail.
Azari is accused of conspiring with Mohammed Ali Baryalei, the most senior Australian involved in Islamic State."

 “It’s a horrifying thought...There are people among us that means us harm.”

Now you can all go and read  the full story from the MSM if you like. Its not like white nationalists haven't been warning the public about this type of behavior since the end of the white Australia policy. 

So who benefits? Well if you are a White Nationalists like us sadly not us. For us to benefit it would have to actually happen. Something so horrifying that the reaction from White Australia would certainly end any and all Non White immigration to this country. So that wont happen, not as long as the Jews are busy making sure that the flow of  pissed off victims keep getting sent to the west. 

So prepare for the Orwellian onslaught, prepare for the Israel First types to do something stupid in the name of patriotism, prepare for war.